Dental Implants
Only when we lose something do we realize its true value. In the same way, we tend to take our teeth for granted until they are lost. Losing your teeth can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for healthy and beautiful teeth gives you the radiance, vitality and personal identity.
Fortunately, dental implants will restore your smile and self-confidence. They are also the only dental restorations that look, feel and function just like natural teeth.
Here are some of the benefits of making an investment in implants:
- your bone structure will be preserved
- your prosthesis will be fitted securely
- the dentist will not need to destroy healthy teeth as required for a bridge
- you will chew better and enjoy more comfort
- you will smile without being embarrassed
- you will save time and money (other treatment options require replacement and repair of components over time)
- implants will work for all ages, as a matter of fact and contrary to public belief, implants were mainly done in the 50 and over age group in its developmental years.
Dr. Kevin Chang has a passion for implant therapy and he has always advocated for a “one tooth solution for a one tooth problem.” Most implant cases may be started and completed in house, and Dr. Chang can answer more questions at the new patient visit.

Discover the advantages of the CAMLOG dental implant system. Doctors and patients alike appreciate the simplicity and superior esthetics of the CAMLOG implant system. Surgical placement is simple and safe. Talk to Dr. Chang to discuss how CAMLOG implants can help you.